Be sure to scroll to the right to see all the pics.
my day lilly |
Sibirian Iris |
Not sure what theses are called |
they bloomed in the spring |
my purple Foxglove |
the Sibirian Iris |
A weed from the side of the road |
but I liked it so I planted it in the back yard |
Alliume |
Mark's In-Site
My Garden
These are pictures of the flowers in my garden. I know the names of a few of them. But if you know the names of the rest
please let me know. Names are not real important, just that I like how beautiful they are and smell so good. That is why I
have them.
a bell of some type I belive |
Coral Bells |
pretty huh |
Grape Hyacinth |
my rose bush |
I also have some more plant's. As they blossom I will take pictures and post them.
Coralbells |
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Dianthus 'First Love' |
one of my Fav's my Foxglove |
this one starts with a G |
also called an indian blossom or something like that |
White Iris |